Did Not Attend (DNA)

If you do not attend an appointment that you have booked with us and you do not cancel the appointment in advance, this will be marked in your medical records as a did not attend (DNA).

If you have registered to received text/SMS messages from us you will receive a message that you did not attend your appointment. You may also receive a letter from us reminding you to cancel any appointment that you do not wish to attend. This frees up the appointment to be offered to someone else in need.

We monitor our DNAs and in 2017 we lost 422 GP appointments where patients failed to turn up which wasted 77 hours of precious GP time. 969 patients failed to attend nursing team appointments which was 217 hours of a precious resource.

Our patient feedback shows that patients are unhappy with how long they may have to wait for an appointment. This is impacted by the number of patients who fail to turn up for appointments and have not cancelled.

Please help us to help you by remember to cancel any unwanted booked appointments. Your cooperation is appreciated.