Named GP

East Norwich Medical Partnership will allocate a named accountable GP to all registered patients in order to oversee their care.

All patients will be informed of their named GP at the point of registration.

You can also ask reception who your named GP is. Should you express a wish to change your named GP we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. To request a change of named GP, please contact reception.

The responsibilities of the named GP will be to:

  • Take the lead responsibility for ensuring that all appropriate services required from the GP practice are provided
  • Use their professional judgement, where required, to work with relevant health and social care professionals to deliver a care package that meets individual needs
  • Ensure physical and psychological needs are recognised and responded to by the relevant clinicians in the practice
  • Ensure access to a health check if one is requested

These responsibilities will be carried out within the opening hours of the surgery and do not change the way patients access care outside of these hours.

What this means for you as a patient

You are free to see any GP of your choice within the practice. If you require an appointment with a GP urgently and are unable to book it with your named GP, you can see another available doctor at the practice.

You can request an appointment by visiting our appointments page.